Term 1

Week 11
Our last busy week of the term.

On the last day Desiree brought in a chrysalis and we watched it through the day. While we were out at tea it hatched. We spent the rest of the day watching its wings unfold. At the end of the day we put it into the garden.

The Y3 children invited us to see the shoe designs they had made. We asked them questions about the shoes. They give us some very interesting answers. Thank you Y3.

Week 10
Giant school walk
We all met at the reserve and walked to school with our teachers.
We decorated our bags and when we got to school we chatted to Max the pukeko and Buster the walking school bus.
Now we know it's not so far we can walk to school more often.

Week 9
Our trip to the Maritime Museum.

We went looking for treasure finding all the old equipment and how it was used many years ago. 
We explored the museum and found many interesting activities, sending Morse code messages, steering a ship and finding out about the first settlers in New Zealand and how they arrived by boat.

Completing our Inquiry.  constructing our free standing towers.

Week 8
WALT think, plan and build a free standing structure. Using materials supplied and team work.
Talking about free standing structures.

 Working on our plans.

 Choosing a design to follow.

 Constructing our ideas.

We have been looking for words in the dictionary.
We are finding out what they mean.

Week 7

We have been learning to cross the road safely.

  1. Look for a safe place to cross.
  2. Stop, look and listen.
  3. Look right, then left , then right again.
  4. Listen to the road patrol.
  5. Hold an adults hand when crossing.
  6. Walk, don't run or ride a scooter across the road

We went out with our Room 3 buddy class to do some reading.

Week 6

 Mrs. Buchanan came into our room and told us all about  the bearded dragon, the water dragon and the gecko. We then made pictures of our dragons with tissue paper and  sand.

We used a lot of fine motor skills to crumple the paper and glue it into place.

Week 4 & 5

Darcy visited us from China for 4 weeks. He made many friends.
he joined in with all our activities, morning exercise, brain food, new words of the week and learning letter sounds.

Week 3

Maths Statistics
We are learning about gathering information and making graphs.
We made a graph by sitting in rows according to our ages. and eye colour.

We have been learning to sound words starting with j as in jelly. 
We made some jelly, drawing pictures to represent the instructions.
We then wrote some wow words to describe how the jelly felt.

                       wiggly   cool    wriggly

                       slimy     squishy

Week 2

Thank you to all the parents for a wonderful start to the year.
We have all settled well and had so much fun at the school picnic.
We have been swimming everyday but will only swim on alternate days as from next week.

Room 16
Oh boy! What an exciting start to the year.


  1. Love the jelly lesson! Good work room 16.

  2. What awesome dragons they look really effective displayed in the classroom.
